Séliš-Ql̓ispé Ethnogeographic Signs Initiative (SQESI)


Under the Séliš-Ql̓ispé Ethnogeographic Signs Initiative (SQESI), the SQCC is installing a series of map-centered signs in locations across our territories, both inside and outside of the Flathead Reservation. In most locations, we've put up one sign; in some locations, we have a two-sign set. 
Each sign (or two-sign set) has a map of that part of our territories, with Salish place-names, their translations into English, and the English place-names. And in each sign (or two-sign set), we also convey, in words and images, the importance of that particular area to our people — both in the past and in the present-day. In this way, the signs are helping reestablish the Séliš-Ql̓ispé presence in these areas, informing readers of our continuing connection to the places and place-names of our homelands. 
The signs have been given a beautiful, integrated look by graphic artist Joanna Yardley of Missoula.
We have now completed SQESI signs covering 10 out of 22 planned areas.

Because many of the signs cover a large area, such as an entire drainage system, some signs are up in more than one location. As more signs go up in coming months and years, we will add them to this webpage.

We encourage you to visit each of the signs and reconnect with the places and place-names of the Séliš and Ql̓ispé people. 

Click on the pin for directions to the sign.